TWU - Undergraduate Theses

Undergraduate Theses

Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences

Currently, this is an incomplete list of senior theses by the undergraduate students of TWU (yet). Please let Dr. Herbert H. Tsang know if you found any omission or correction. (Last update on July 2021)


  • Chengzhe He, Microbial Source Tracking for Monitoring Pest Bird Contamination in British Columbia Dairy Farm Settings. [Supervisor: Dr. Laura A. Onyango]


  • Jiawei Liang, Metabolomic analysis of Staphylococcus spp. and their small colony variants using MALDI-TOF MS techniques. [Supervisor: Dr. Laura A. Onyango]
  • Nicole Lee, Prevalence of Staphylococcus spp in non-clinical settings using a One-Health Approach. [Supervisor: Dr. Laura A. Onyango]


  • Kira Banner, Use of pellet analysis to determine the diet of the American Kestrel, Falco sparverius, in Pacific Northwest cherry orchards. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]
  • Julie Merchel, The effects of vessel traffic on the behaviours of southern 'resident' killer whales, Orcinus orca, in the Salish Sea. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Gareth Hurd, Nicomekl River Salmon Habitat Restoration. [Supervisor: Dr. Daivd Clements]
  • Sterling Balzer, Northern Red-Legged frog (Rana aurora) development in Southwestern British Columbia. [Supervisor: Dr. Daivd Clements]
  • Abigail Guthrie, Characterizing the effects herbivory on native Camassia quamash in garry oak ecosystems. [Supervisor: Dr. Daivd Clements]


  • Chloe Reves, Effect from fish cull of Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis gibbosus. [Supervisor: Dr. Daivd Clements]
  • Beth Guirr, Non-Vascular Plant Inventory In Langley BC, Canada: Glen Valley Blaauw ECO Forest. [Supervisor: Dr. Daivd Clements]


  • Elizabeth Zwamborn, Habitat Characterization, Restoration and GIS mapping of Rana aurora and Monadenia fidelis in Blaauw Eco Forest. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Christine Gile, Effects of different control methods on the rhizomes of Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica Houtt.). [Supervisor: Dr. Daivd Clements]
  • Benjamin Oldham, Investigation of the correlation between health and environment of Lepomis gibbosus (Pumpkinseed Sunfish) in the Salmon River and McMillan Lake. [Supervisor: Dr. Daivd Clements]


  • Katherine Steensma, Dispersal and behavioral patterns of orphaned American kestrel (Falco sparverius) fledglings released in an agricultural habitat. [Co-Supervisors: Prof. Karen Steensma and Dr. Eric Long, Seattle Pacific University]
  • Devin Methven, The relationship between Propertius Duskywing (Erynnis propertius) and the Garry Oak Ecosystem. [Supervisor: Dr. Daivd Clements]


  • Christine Bylenga, Interactions of a first time mating pair of Andean condors. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Martin Rekers, Determination of Home Range and Seasonal Habitat Preference in Allogona townsendiana using Harmonic Range Tracking. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]
  • Martyna Kus, A Study of Reproductive strategies and development of a hermaphroditic terrestrial snail Allogona townsendiana. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]
  • Jared Hoffer, A survey of amphibians and fish on the TWU 57 acre parcel. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Karen Weisner, The effects of light on the growth of Oncorhynchus tshawytscha at the Tynehead Fish Hatchery. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]
  • Heather Silviera, A Population Inventory and Microhabitat Characterization of Allogona townsendiana at Trinity Western University. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]
  • Julie Bartlett, Comparison of species diversity in old growth and second growth forest habitats of Berthusen Park, Washington. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Mandy DeJong, Don’t drink the water: a closer look at fecal contamination due to bird populations in Drayton Harbor, Washington. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Matt Prebble, A study of Quercus garryana and associated organisms on Trinity Western University’s Crow’s Nest Property. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]
  • Jennifer Dodd, Population estimates of the invasive clam Nuttallia obscurata in the British Columbia lower mainland. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Jennifer Wright, A behavioral analysis of the caracal Felis caracal in captivity at Mountain View Farm. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]
  • Stephen Ross, Of algae and salmon: A comparative study of indicator diatoms in the TWU pond and the Salmon River. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]
  • Marianne Huizing, Inventory of small terrestrial vertebrates at Blaney Bog. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Darlene Kun, Bioinventory of the insects of the Trinity Western University Ecosystem Study Area. [Supervisor: Karen Steensma]
  • Jack Crompton, Fish survey of the Trinity Western University Ecosystem Study Area. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Amy Carlile, Relationship between freshwater nitrate levels, land use patterns and phytoplankton populations of the Salmon River. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Laura Murphy, Painted turtle ecology in an Eastern Washington pond. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Jay Reimer, A survey of the Fishtrap Creek for bivalve populations. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]


  • Barbara Wernick, A study of fecal coliforms in MacMillan Lake and the Salmon River. [Supervisor: Prof. Karen Steensma]

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